Archives de chercheurs: Barbara GlowczewskiAudio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Aus...70123<< >>
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Ngarrka Yawulyu

by the Nungarrayi and Napaljarri, Lajamanu, 1995


translated from Warlpiri with Barbara Gibson Nakamarra (1995) and edited for the CD-ROM Dream trackers (UNESCO, 2000) by Barbara Glowczewski



witingki nyinalulu wakalarang nyinalulu

They sat with their witi poles


waraji kunpulyur kunpulyur wanguru wayinyinya

Waraji, the vine ngalyipi they tied up around their ankles (to hold the witi poles)



wakalarang yunta wantija witi

The yunta wind-break (Kurlungalinpa hill) fell down from the sky



ngalyipili pungu wakalarangina pungu

They tied up the ngalypi vines



Jalyirrpa wankanya rililman ngarrkakirlangu

The leaf belong Man made a noise from shaking


Yawajirri yarlkanya Purpalala yankanya

Underneath they went to their home in Purpalala



Kurlungalinpa kanganya wakalarang kanganyi

To Kurlungalinpa they came with their big wakalarang or witi poles


Kurlungalinpa yurujurkujurku Wakalarang

They sat one mob in Kurlungalinpa



Witingka manymany yurujurujururla

They danced one mob with their witi poles






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Archives de chercheurs: Barbara Glowczewski [Collection(s) 28]
Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 [Set(s) 709]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 70123
Permanent URI
Title/Description17-05-84 Ngarrka (Man) Dreaming: Kurlurrngalinypa to Purrparlarla
Author(s)Women singing: Betty Nungarrayi 1 & 2, Pampinya Nungarrayi, Lily & Lola Nungarrayi & ? Napaljarri, Judy Napaljarri, Kungarriya (Maisie) Napangardi, Lily Nangala
LocationLajamanu, Tanami Desert, Central Australia
Coordinateslat -35.27 / long 149.08
Copyright Barbara Glowczewski
Rank 59 / 83
Filesize ? Kb
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Tape27 side 1
Quote this document Glowczewski, Barbara 1984 [accessed: 2025/3/13]. "17-05-84 Ngarrka (Man) Dreaming: Kurlurrngalinypa to Purrparlarla" (Object Id: 70123). In Audio of stories and songs, Lajamanu, Central Australia, 1984 . Tape: 27 side 1. ODSAS:
Annotation layer(s)Yirdikari-yirdikari   (laughren: transcription)
Annotation layer(s)Transcript 1995 with Barbara Nakamarra Gibson & B Glowczewski    (wanta: transcription)