[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
The thesis of the substitution for Burgulu by Milangka was proposed by Elkin 1940332,
but the substitution by Yiparrka does not seem to be postulated. If, following hypothesis
III.a above, Yipanka may substitute for Panaka, and if Panaka may substitute for Burgulu,
then Yiparrka may also replace Burgulu. Elkin adds a second possibility when he writes that
Milangka is identical to Karimarra. The implication of this would be that Milangka may not
substitute for Paljeri following the second hypothesis, IH.b.
If we consider a zone similar to that described for “Paljeri --> Milangka : Tjarurru”, we
see that, when Burgulu is absent, Milangka is present and vice versa. The Kalamaia group
is an exception, since it does not use Burgulu, Milangka or Yiparrka, which would lead to
an identity between Yiparrka and Milangka, or a supplementary possibility: the substitution
for Burgulu by Yiparrka. Outside this zone, Burgulu is never present, but Milangka always
and jointly occurs with Yiparrka. The situation is confusing and the combinatory relations
multiply, especially because they interfere with the zone “Paljeri --> Milangka : Tjarurru”.
Here I summarise the relationships between Burgulu and Paljeri in a figure showing possible
substitutions Figure 3.
T jarurru
Paljeri Milangka4j> Burgulu
Yiparrka Panaka
Figure 3: Theoretical substitutions among categories in the spatial distribution of
pairs of terms.
Thus, if in any group both Paljeri and Burgulu are replaced, the causal relations are as
° If Paljeri is replaced by Yiparrka, then Burgulu must be replaced by Milangka, and
vice versa.
0 If Paljeri is replaced by Tjarurru, then Burgulu may be replaced by Milangka or
' If Panaka is replaced by Yipalrka, two cases are possible:
— Burgulu is replaced by Milangka, in which case Paljeri is replaced by Tjarurru
— Burgulu is replaced by Yiparrka, in which case Panaka may also be replaced by
' If Burgulu is replaced by Milangka, Paljeri must be replaced by Tjarurru or
0 If Burgulu is replaced by Yiparrka, Paljeri must be replaced by Tjanu-ru or