[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
I now discuss the problem group by group for this western area.
The Burgulu—Pa1jeri problem has to be divided up into zones. In the north, the Kimberleys
and the coast in the region of the Kariera, we find only Paljeri. South and south-east of this zone
we approach a zone of transition. The first type of transition is the replacement of Paljeri by
Milangka, because Karimaira, Panaka and Punmgu are all present cf. “Paljeri --> Milangka”.
The second type of transition is the replacement of Paljeri by Burgulu among the Yulbaridya,
because Karimarra, Panaka and Punmgu are present. The third type of “transition” is one in
which Paljeri and Burgulu are jointly present. A last type of transition, proposed by Bates
1925, must be added if we exclude the Yulbaridya: it is the mutual substitution of Panaka
Paljeri and Burgulu are absent. Burgulu is replaced by Yiparrka
complementary combinations. Paljeri must therefore be replaced by
Burgulu is present, Paljeri is absent. Paljeri is replaced by Tjarurru
complementary combinations.
Burgulu and Paljeri are present. Tjarurru, Yiparrka and Milangka are
absent. No substitution.
Burgulu and Paljeri are present. Tjaxurru, Yiparrka and Milangka are
absent. No substitution.
Burgulu, Paljeri, Tjarurru and Yiparrka are absent. Milangka is present.
Milangka cannot substitute for Burgulu and Paljeri at the same time. The
Mardu may, therefore, not figure in the same register as the preceding
same as for Mardu see below.
Only Burgulu is present. Paljeri is not present and is not substituted for
by Milangka, Yiparrka or Tjarurru, so the Yulbaridya may not figure in
the same register as the other groups see below.
and Burgulu and, therefore, also ofYipa1rka Figure 4.