[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
The other zones are less clear. Zones 6 to 8 seem to be the locus of an encounter between
combinations 6 and 8. While combination 6 adds the category Tjarurru as a new element,
combination 8 introduces the categories Milangka and Yiparrka.
If we consider that, contrary to the Ngaatjatjarm and Ngaanyatjarra, Ooldea is composed
of two distinct systems, we can see that the encounter between combinations 6 and 8 is located
north of 27 degrees of latitude; that is, where the corridor of the category Milangka encounters
Tjarurru and Yiparrka, and where Milangka and Knrirnarra become mutually substitutable.
The combinations 7, 3 and 6, close to one another, are characterised by the presence of
Karimarra, Purungu and Tjarurru, which are their basic categories. Mutual substitutions are
between Burgulu, Yiparrka and Panaka.
Combination 2 is similar to combinations 4 and 5. It uses Karimarra, Panaka and Purungu,
but Burgulu replaces the Paljeri of combination 5 and the Milangka of combination 4. We
have here the only case where Panaka and Burgulu appear jointly.
The combination of four categories reinforces certain hypotheses formulated above,
making it possible to draw a preliminary map with routes of diffusion and substitutions of
section names. The analysis of the spatial distribution of logical systems will add solidity
to these hypotheses and allow, once some specific cases are examined, the elaboration of a
general view.