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Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific / Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific / Felix Speiser /  Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]


missionaries have done good work in the cause of
philology, my services were not needed. I was,
therefore, dependent on interpreters in “biche 1a
mar,” a language which contains hardly more than
fifty words, and which is spoken on the plantations,
but is quite useless for discussing any abstract
subject. In nearly every village there is some man

who can speak biche 1a mar.


As we have seen, colonization in the New
Hebrides was begun by the Whalers, who had several
stations in the southern islands. They had, however,
little intercourse with the natives, and their influence
may be considered fairly harmless.

More dangerous were the sandalwood traders,
who worked chiefly in Erromanga. They were not
satisfied with buying the valuable wood from the
natives, but tried to get directly at the rich supplies
inland. Naturally, they came into conflict with the
natives, and fierce wars arose, in which the whites
fought with all the weapons unscrupulous cruelty can
wield. As a result, the population of Erromanga
has decreased from between 5000 and 10,000 to 800.

Happily, the northern islands were not so rich in
sandalwood, so that contact with the whites came
later, through the coprah-makers. Coprah is dried
cocoa-nut, which is used in manufacturing soap, and
the great wealth of cocoa-nut palms attracted coprah-
makers as early as the ’Seventies of the last century.
They were nearly all ruined adventurers, either

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Oceania - Pacific early and rare books and writings -- Océanie - Pacifique: livres et textes anciens et rares [Collection(s) 2]
Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific [Set(s) 1763]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 189365
Permanent URI https://www.odsas.net/object/189365
Title/DescriptionSpeiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific
Author(s)Felix Speiser
Location Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright The owner has not defined any specific copyright. By default you are not allowed to copy information from this page
Rank 23 / 344
Filesize 707 Kb | 1637 x 2559 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Quote this document Speiser, Felix 1913 [accessed: 2024/12/28]. "Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific" (Object Id: 189365). In Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific. ODSAS: https://www.odsas.net/object/189365.
Exif FileNamespeiser_1913_p013.jpg
SectionsFoundANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
htmlwidth="1637" height="2559"