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Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific / Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific / Felix Speiser /  Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]


in debt to their master, and that they will have to
pay off by working for some time longer. The poor
fellows stay on and on, continue to drink, are never
out of debt, and never see their homes again.
This practice has developed of late years in con-
sequence of the scarcity of labour, and is nothing but
slavery. It might easily be abolished by a slight
effort on the part of the Government, but there is hardly
any supervision over French plantations outside Port
Vila, and in many plantations conditions exist which are
an insult to our modern views on humane treatment.
On English plantations there is but little brutality,
owing to the Government’s careful supervision of the
planters and the higher social and moral standing of
the settlers in general.

My host had some European conscience left, and
treated his hands very humanely, but I dare say that
in course of time, and pressed by adverse circum-
stances, even he resorted to means of finding cheap
labour which were none too fair. The French by-
laws permit the delivery of alcohol to natives in
the shape of “medicine,” a stipulation which opens
the door to every abuse.

The boys were soon on hand, each awaiting his
turn eagerly, yet trying to seem blase’. Some drank
greedily, others tasted the sour wine in little sips like
old experts; but all took care to turn their backs to
us while drinking, as if from bashfulness. Then they
went to work, giggling and happy.

Meanwhile, those on the sick—list were coming up
for the planter’s inspection. The diseases are mostly

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Oceania - Pacific early and rare books and writings -- Océanie - Pacifique: livres et textes anciens et rares [Collection(s) 2]
Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific [Set(s) 1763]
Meta data
Object(s) ID 189394
Permanent URI https://www.odsas.net/object/189394
Title/DescriptionSpeiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific
Author(s)Felix Speiser
Location Vanuatu/ Vanuatu
Coordinateslat -17.72 / long 168.36
Copyright The owner has not defined any specific copyright. By default you are not allowed to copy information from this page
Rank 52 / 344
Filesize 759 Kb | 1785 x 2592 | 8 bits | image/jpeg
Transcription[ See/hide ]
Quote this document Speiser, Felix 1913 [accessed: 2024/12/28]. "Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific" (Object Id: 189394). In Speiser, Felix. 1913. Two years with the natives in the Western Pacific. ODSAS: https://www.odsas.net/object/189394.
Exif FileNamespeiser_1913_p042.jpg
SectionsFoundANY_TAG, IFD0, EXIF
htmlwidth="1785" height="2592"