[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
of all sorts, from revenge, or punishment for some
misdeed at home. Some are lovers who have run
away from their tribe to escape the rage of an
injured husband. Thus recruiting directly favours
the general anarchy and immorality, and indirectly
as well, since the recruiters do their best to create
as much trouble as possible in the villages, knowing
it will be to their advantage. If they hear of a feud
raging between two tribes, they collect at the shore
and try to pick up fugitives ; if there is no war, they
do their best to occasion one, by intrigue, alcohol,‘
or agents prowmz‘eurs. They intoxicate men and
women, and make them enlist in that condition;
young men are shown pretty women, and promised
all the joys of Paradise in the plantations. If these
tricks fail, the recruiters simply kidnap men and
women ‘while bathing. This may suffice to show
that, as a rule, they do not use fair means to find
hands, and it is hardly surprising that where they
have been they leave behind them wrecked families,
unhappiness, enmity, murder and a deep hatred of
the white man in general as the cause of all this
misery. This recruiting is not only immoral in the
highest degree, but also very harmful to the race, and
it is to-day one of the principal reasons for its decay.
Those planters who from principle or from fear
0f the law do not resort to such means generally
have a special recruiting district, where they are well
known, and where the natives know the treatment
they are likely to get on the plantation, and feel sure
they will not be cheated, and will be taken back