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Joint Regulatiom' [4 ni 1909
“Pratique” mcans permission to a vesael to hold direct communica-
tion and interoourse with du: inhabitants of the place at whiclr
such veaael is lying;
“Medical Olfioer“ meana a medical man in the employnient cf
His Britannic Majesty’s Government or of the Government of
the French Republic or one having authority from une or
other of those governments;
“Cattlo” meana borned cattle, aheep, goals, swine, homes, asses.
mules, and any otlwr animal: thax serve l'or domestic purposea
or as food for man;
“Native labourer!" mcans aboriginal nativea of the New Hebridea
remuited for labour in du Group or beyond it.
l. A bill of health shal] declare the sanitary condition oi' tho
port and the neighbourhood of the port in respecî of which it in
issued, and especially the existence or otherwixe ol' infections or
conugious diseaae. It ahould set l'orth clearly thc naine of the vessel.
of Lbe master and surgeon (if any), the nature ol' the cargo, (lie
number of thc crew and passeugers, and (h: stme of health oi' those
on board at the time of the departure cf such vessel.
2. The bill of bealth ol' a vesael bound for the New Hebridua
should bear the visa of tlle health authnriües of the port of departure
or, should auch port be neither Britiah not French, by the British or
French consul as the case may be, and tbe salue indorsernenl from
Lhe competent authorities at cach port at which auch vessel may have
toucbod on the voyage.
3. A bill of health ahall be considered as “ eau" when it
declares Lhe non-existence ol‘ any infections or contagieux diaease in
tlle district in which is situate Lhe port oi' departure oi' the veaael in
respect of which it ia issuod, and as “foul” when the contrary ia
4. The mater or surgeon of mry vessel arriving in Lb: Group
shall produce the bill of beath fnrnishod 10 auch vesael, and any
failllre to produoe snob bill of health or any irregularity therein ahall
be comiderod as an infracîion of this Regulation.
5. Every vessel arriving in tho Group ahall mak: herself
known at Vila before having any communication wilh the shore or
witb any ooasting vessela or bouts in the vicinity of the islanda.
6. To nmke herself lmown every vessel shall on arriving
within n distance of three miles of the coast exhibit a yellow flag
at the fore by day and a globular red light by night unu'l suc]: time
as pratique ahall have been given.