[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Juin! Rzgulatiom [4 of 1909
7. Every vessel exhibiting n yeliow flag or a red h'ght as
described in section six hereof shsll he considered as in quarantine
as hereinafier defined, and during such state of quarantine shall
have no communication except by signal with the shore or with any
boa: or vessel save thst of the health oficer, whose bouts shall when
bringing a health olficer on boni-d ben: a yellow flag by dsy and a red
light by night.
8. It slmll be unlnwful for any other bouts to exhibit such
aigus within the waters ol' tbe Group.
9. The heelth oflicer shall approach Lhe vessel on the windward
side within spesking distance, but lie shall not go on bond to
reoeive the bill nf health unti] replies shall have been given by dm
master or the surgeon to me questions set forth in the schedule
honte nttnched.
[10. In the event of a veslcl presenting a “fou!” bill of health
such vessel may—(l) be declared "clean" and admitth t0 free
pratique alter disinfection provided tlm there are no sick on board
and thal suflîcient Lime, tlut is to ssy, seven dsys for cholera, nine
days l'or yellow fever and for plague; ten days l'or smsllpcx, diphtherin
and measles; [fourœen days for whooping coughfl [seven days fur
Spsnisb influenza]; and for other infections or contagious diseases
six days or such periods as may have been publjcly notified by the
Resident Commissioners oonjointly, shnll have elapsed from the
date ol‘ ber depsrture from the pan where such bill of health wss
iss'ued to prove that no persons have been embarked sulïering frorn
any infections or contagious diseases ; (2) be considered as “subject”
and put in quaranüne as defined in Article eleven of this Regulstion
if, though having no sick on bourd, such Vessel shall have lait an
infecwd port within nny ol‘ the perlads allowed l'or incubation or
disease as specified in the next preceding parsgraph; such quarantine
msy howevenbe modified in any degree that the Hesltb Olfiœr
may sec fit as provided in Article sixteen of this Regulntion if il
shnll be proved to the satisfaction of the Healtb Ofiœt that lhe
vessel 1ms been disinfected and all nœessary sanitary precaufions
rzken under oornpetent supervision, lhst Lhe vessel 1ms been isolated
as far as possible frein the infected parts of the port and- that no
passengers or gonds capable of transmitting contagion or infection
have been laken on board; (3) be oonsidered as “infected” and put
in strict quarnnline, if either before or aller departnre froin an
infecœd port such vassal shall have wken on bonrd any persans
sulïering from an infections or contagions disease]
11. Every vessel in quarantine shall nnchor at suc]: place as
the health oflioer msy direct. No communication shall be made with
the shore exoept by signal and no persan or goods shnil be admitœd
un bonrd withcut the permission of the health oflioer. Any persan
considqed in
lin o!
Unlnwful for
other m
tiom wlth
Masure! lo
be nken on
“l‘oul” bill
of halth.
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