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Jainl Régulation: [4 cf 1909
landed sil/ail be destroyed on the order of the health ofiiœr, and the
ces: of the destruction cf such articles shall be borne by Lhe owners
or consignees.
18. The heallh affiner shall not permit the landing of any
cattle from a vessel unless the bill of health of such vessel shows
that no epizootie disease exists in the neighbonrhood of the place
of origin cf suc]: cattle, and sueh place cf origin shall be attested by
a certificate of origin.
20. On the appearanœ cf symptoms cf rabies in any animal
undergoing quarantine under this section such animal shall be
immediately destroyed.
21. Nothing in this Regnlation ahnll be held to prevent the
master oi‘ a vessel arriving in the Group and being llnwilling to
submit t0 the measures cf quarantine herein prescride frein putting
to sea agm'n nnhindered. In snch a case the bill ol‘ health ol' the
vesscl shall be returned with an indorsement sem'ng forth the
nircnmstanoes under which the vessel han mken lier depmure.
22. Vesscls engaged in interimular and cousu] triade and boats
engaged in fishing or in the recruitment of native labour shall not
under ordinary circnlnstanccs be required m be furnished with
bills of health, but should an ontbreak ol‘ contagion: or infections
diaease coeur on any island oi‘ the Group thc beath authorifies may
order Lhe provision of a bill cf health obligatory in respect of all
coaxting and interinsnlar vessels as aforesaid that may touch et
snch infected island.
23. In the event of the outbreak of dise of an epideniic
nature in any islnnd of the Group the Resident Commissioners shall
on the advioe ol‘ the beath ofiîoers jointly declare ml: island t0 lac
in quarantine and snch qnuanüne slmll continue until the island in
declared free from diseuse. The Resident Commissioners shall mke
the mesures necessary to make such quaramine effective.
M. All vessels carrying native labouren tint shall pass the
island of Efate shall be visited and Lhe hbuurers examined by n
medical oifiœr before (bey are diaembarked, and such native
labourers us may be suspected t0 b: suifering frcm leprosy or from
tuberculosis shall be sent back immediaœly to the place whence
(bey came at the eost ai" the mimer or of the owner of the vesseL
Indentured labourers on other islands shall alw be examined as