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Joint Rzgulan'ons [l cf 1910 33
To provins for me disposal cf flnu tees nnd other moneys pnid or
receiverl “lulu joint regulalinns.
[Published: Commonwealth GazetteJ
1. Wmms it is expedient m providc for the disposal of fines
fees and oflm‘ moneys pnid or racovered under Lhe authority of Joint
Regulations issued by the Raideur Commissioners for the New
2. All fines Tees and other moneys that may have been paid or Fines, tees.
recovered or (bat may hereafler be paid or recovered in accordanœ :33 æ 5°
with the provisions cf any Joint Regulations issued by the Rcsident Gond,
Commissioners aforesajd in virtue cf Lhe powers vested in Lhcm by minium
the Angle—Franc]: Convention of 20m October 1906 shall exœpt TWW‘
whcn oLherwise provided be pajd t0 (h: Condominium Treasury to
flac mount of Condominium revenue.
l This Rzgulation shall corne into farce on du date of publica— Bang ol_
fion, and may be ciœd for ail purposes as “Thc Fines and Fees 3:?! mm
chulation, 1910”. 5h“; un“
Publishnd and cxhibilcd in du public ofliocs cf Lhe Resident
Commissionm for His Bñtmnic Mm'esty and for the Frvnch
Republic Lhix First day of Febmary in the year One Thousand Ninc
Hundred and Ten.
For H.B,M. High Commissioner
for the Ncw chridcl
For the High Commission"
for 1h: French Republic
fur Lb: New Hebridcs.