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Juin! Regulnn'om‘ [2 of 1913
T0 prohibit du Inumhnriaed collecfinl and tenon! nf canin mlterinl
from Vlln I-hrbmn'.
Source: WRHC. 2176/13.
l. me the dm: of the coming into fonce of this Regulation
it shall be unlawful to oollect gnther excavate or remove from the
skate: cf Vil: I-Iubout any sand ennh canal or stonc wifllout me
authon in writing previously obuu'ned cf the Rcaident Com-
missianers jointly.
2. For the purpose cf this Regulation Lhe œrm “Vila Harbonr"
shnll mm and includc thnt part of the sea front cf Lb: ensœrn m'dn
of snch Han-bout Iying between tha cofi‘ee store of the Société
Française des Nouvelles-Hébridns (Pnkora) on Lhe North and me
Radin propeny (Nankery) on the South which is daily wvued and
nncovered by Lhe ses at high and low tides respecüvcly.
3. Any parson who shall be proved on conviction before thc
Joint Court of a breach cf the provisions of this Regnlntitm shall b:
fiable to the paynmu of a fine no! meding twenty pounds and to
xufi'eî a mm cf imprisonment not exœedjng thixty days or m une or
other of thcse penaltizs.
4. Bmchcs of this Regulaüon shall be mporœd by the
ofiiœrs and agents ot‘ the Police duly authoxised in Chat behalfby du
Rcsident Cmnmissioners oonjoinlly.
5. This Regulaticn shall 00m: into force on tho first day or
October one flmusand nia: hundrcd and Lhirwen and may be cited
for al] purposes as un "Ncw Hebrides (Vilu Hubour) Regulafion
Nu. 2 of1913".
Publislwd and exhibited at Lb: public ofiœs of the Resident
Commissioner for I-Iis Britannic Majesty and for the French Republic
this 10th dey of February 1913.
The Rcsident Commissioner
for the French Republic.
Hi! Britannic Majesty‘s
Resident Commission”,