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Joint Regulations [4 nf 1914
To prohibit file lllllllflmfised section of buildings and structures on
[Published' WIJLC. Gazette No. 2 of 1915.]
l. Frein due dole 01' lhis Regulaücn it shnll be unlawful for
sny perron to erect or build on the seashcre cf Vila Harbonr betwwn
thc public rond or pan: running along sueh shore and Iow water
mark any bouse shed whnrfjetty wall or other construction without
the permission in wrifing first obrnined of the Resident Commis-
sioners conjointly.
2. Applications l'or permission as aforesaid 8115.11 ha addressed
w the Resident Commissioners conjointly and 511311 givc full
particlllars of the construction for which permission is required and
the Resident Commissionem shall have power oonjointly ro grsnt or
refuse snob permission.
3. Such annual sum as the Resident Commissioncrs mny
derermine conjoinlly slmll be payable to (lie Condominium Treasury
by the persans to whom the permils are issued in mpect of sll
permits issued under this Regulation.
4. Any persan who shall be proved befon: me Joint Court w
have erocœd nny building or construction without permission u
provided in rhis Regulation or having obmined snob permission
shall erecî any building or construm’on other thon flint provided
for in snch permission shnll be linble ta the paylnent of a money
penalty not exceeding twenty pounds and not less [han one pouan
5. For the pin-poses cf this Regulation the ter-m Vila Hnbour
51ml] mcan and include thnl pan of Lhe ses front of Vîla Barboui-
lying between the oofiee store or the Société Francaise des Nouvelles-
Hébrides (Pakora) un the North and the Rodin propeny (Nankery)
on the Soutb.
Publishod and exhibited in the public ofiices of the Reeident
Commissioners for Greal Britsin and the French Republic 111i:
fifteentb day ol' August, 1914.
Resident Commissioner
for the Frencli Republic.
(L.S.) M. KING
His Brilannic Majesly's
Resident Commissioner.