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Joint Regulatiam [12 of 1914
T0 Imam the Joint Regnlnflon No. 3 M1912 to provlde far ihe collec-
tion and management o! une revenue of cnstoms wifllin the Non
Hobriiles Condominium.
Joint Reg/ulalîan Na. 12 of 1914 waspublirhed in Western Pamfic High
Commission Gazette No. 9 of 1915 and in reprinred wlth thefollowing
Joint Rzgulaiions Whit‘h reflet la or arnend i1.
1. Joint Rogulations No. 3 of 1912 and 6 of 1914 are hmby
repealed and the following subsüruwd thorefor.
[2. Every vessel aniving in thc New Hehridcs must ptoœed
dimct t0 a Port of Entry. T11: Port cf Vila, in lb: island of Efate, and
the Port of Santo. in thc island cf Etpiritu Santo, are Ports cf Entry.]
[2. (1) If any vassal anchon at any place not being a port of
entryasprovidodforinthis chulation, saveinthecase ofstresa of
weathcr or in 80001118116: wit11 specinl permission granœd undor the
provisions of the preoeding section thereoi‘. or nmroanhns th: ooast
beyond the limits of a port cf cntry for tho pnrpose of nnclmxing Lhm
the mimer of the said vessel 311311 be guilty of an oiTœ and shall be
liable to a fine not exoeeding ÆStg 500 or to imprisonmnnt for a term
not exœeding live yens or to bath tho fin: and such impriaonmont.
(2) thte Lb: muter cf a vessel is convicœd of an ofi'enœ
onde: the provisions oi' thc ptweding subsoction cf 1.1115 section [11:
Court nmy order the confiscation 01‘111: veml concemod.
Providcd thnt in every case the said vessel 511.111 not exœed
500 tons burdan
[1. (a) Where a District Agent han reason to suspect that the
mastcr of any vesscl 1ms contravened or inœnds m oontraveno the
provisions of Section 1 of this Regulation ho may, using sunh fume
as mny be neœssnry, nmst L11: aaîd vuscl and ordcr it t0 prooeed t0
the neareat convenient part and there detnin it pending (h: ouœomo of