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Joint Rzgulations [12 of 1914
21. Maste‘rs of ships, who shall put into any Port in me Group,
having son]: othcr Port as their Port of Destination, shall be bound
to observe 311 the formalitics laid down for the entry inwards and
outwards of ships provided in this Rogulation.
22. The saine foi-mamies shall b: fulfilled and a smtemcnt of
the facts mode within twenly—four hauts from the time of anchoring
in snob Port t0 the nom-est Cusmms authorifies by thc master of any
vessel pntting into my place in the Group by reason of stress cf
weathet or any othor circumstanœs which shall be submitted to the
oonsideration cf Lb: Ruidznt Commissionus.
23. A11 wrecks shnll be subjoct l0 th: provisions of the Tarifi
and Regulations in force.
14. No goods imported into the Group shall be landbd before
a detailed declaration shall have been deposited at th: Customs Oflîoe
by the owner or importer of such goods or his agent. Vessels may,
however, be authorised ta discharge goods upon showing dm
ordinnry ship’s manifost, providod thni Lhe masœr or his agents 511311
enter inio a bond undertnking that tho goods so landed 5h81] be
subjoct to all necesxary supervision until snob cime as Il]: impur!
declantion shall have been mode.
[75. (1) The dcclnration aforesaid simll enumzrate each
article and package separately and shnll contain ail information
neocssnry for the assesth ol' thc Cusmms dues and shnll be in thc
Customs Foi-m no. 1 set out in the Schodnle hereio. Wh more than
une form is requirod t0 complet: a declarntion, Fonn no. 2 and
Fcrm no. 2 (continuation) shall be oompleœd.
(2) The declnmion aforesaid shall be complcœd by the owner
or importer of th: gonds imponod or bis agent]
16. Goods which have bcen exportod from thn Group and
which are imported agnin from places beyond the Group shall b:
treatod as goods coming from nbroad, except in the case where
titre i5 no doubt as t0 their origin and afier uuthorisation by the
Resident Commissions.
27. Importers who have been able t0 show that lhey were not
in a position tu fumish the requimd import dedantion by reason of
lack cf necessary information, aboli be allcwed t0 sive a provisions]
declaration and to axamine the packages oonsigned to thern. thn
goods have t0 be landed at sonne place other thon a. Port cf Entry
special permission may he given, the conditions of which will be
dammined bythccircumsianœs ofeach case and allexpenses incurred
will ba chargcable tu the inteœsted parties, who shnll also enter into