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Joint Regulatiom [12 cf 1914
18. Every person making an Import Declaration slmll be
bound under penalty of a fine of from S4 to €20 to show, upoo being
required to du se by an Ofiioer of Cuetoms, in support cf his Import
Declarntion, all Bills of Lading, Invoiccs, Waybilla, and documents
likely t0 be of use w the Ofiioer of Cuswms in detennining the origin1
provenance, nature, quality, and value cf the gonds noted in 111e
said Import Declamtion.
29. Except with spwial permission no declaration can be
received before the goods mentioned therein shall have arrived at the
Port at which the said Declantion bas been inade and provided that
the manifest covering the goods in question shall have been deposited
at me Customs Oflice.
30. Any goods which have nct been dcclared, or which have
no! been removed within one week from the dame of arriva], shall be
warehoused al Crie oost and risk of the owners during a period of
lwo months and the oonsignees shall be bound w pay Ihree tim
the ordinary raie of warehousing besides all other charges, If at the
expin cf two months the goods have not been declared and removed
they shall he sold alter due notice bas been given and the proœeds
devoted to Condominium funds.
31. The ownera of dangereux goods or gonds objectionable hy
reason of their nfl‘ensive mell shall be requested Lo remove them
immediately and if this is nm dune they shall be sold withont delay
and the proceeds amer deduction ni all expenscs and charges, shall
be held at the disposal of the intensth parties for n period for one
year, afær which they shall lapse to the Condominium Treasury.
32. Every persan making a false declmtion in respect of the
origin quality nature or value of gonds shall, if the goods in respect
of which such false declaration bas been mode are non-dutialale
goods, or if the duty payable upon such goods is less (han sixttæn
Shillings, be liable to pay a fine of i4. If the duty payable is more
(han sixîeen Shillings the fine shall be from 54 to €20 in addition to
confiscation of the gcods.
33. In every case in which the number of packages declared
ahall be in exocss of the numbe‘r reoeived the penalties set forth in the
preoeding article shall be applicable. In every case in which the
number cf packages declared is les»; tban Lhe number moeived a fine
of {12 in respect of each non-dedared package shall be imposed.
34. Any person who ahall mnke, or attempt to make or shall
nid or abet in making any fraudulenl payment or who shall remove
any goods without having mode a declamtion or with a false declnra-
Lion or withour permission of any kind shall render himselfliahle (o
the confiscation of such gonds, as well as any vessel or vehicle Ilsed