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Joint Regulationa [12 oi' 1914
for lhe purpnse of carrying them away and w a fine equal (o the value
of the gonds but in no case less Lhan 520, and Io imprisonment of
frorn five days Lo one month. Every person who shall receive any
gonds whieh have heen fraudulently removed and every owner or
tenant nf any bouse in which snob gonds Inny be fnund shall be
prosecuœd and punished in the same manner as above set forth
unless he shall give information to the Customs Authonfies which
shall enable [hem to proneed agninst me persan who bas fraudulenlly
removed such gonds or shall prove chat me gonds have been teœived
or stored in such person’s house or premises wifllout fraudulent
inms or Pour):
35. A11 gonds fraudulenfly intrnduced into the Group may be
seized ut whatever plane they may be found provided that their
removal tu such place can be provnd by the cvidenne of eycwitnesses.
In default of eyewitnesses any evidence Iegally admissible may be
annep‘ed in nrder t0 prove suc]: fraudulent removal and to secure a
conviction. A11 Ofiîners of Cuslmns shall for the exccution of Lheir
duly have a right of way to the seashore and if necessary may cross
nny private propertics irrespecn've nf boundaries.
36. Before being planed on any vessel all gonds tn be expofled
from the Group shall bc doclarod in thc same manner as pmvided
for Impon Entries.
37. Re-exporœd gonds shall only be shipped on vessels whose
net tannage is greater thxn 100 tons.
38. In any case in which gonds have been embarked on any
vessel in any Port of the Group for Expnrt through any olher Port
any Customs Ofiîoer shall, before allowing such gonds ta leave lb:
Port, exact such guaranœe as may be nenessary from the persnn
making the expert declnration.
39. In exception] cases, and provided (bat they enter into
sufiîcient bonds, a period mny be allowed t0 persnns making an
export deolarntion to enable thon] to obtain full information l'or Lb:
declaration of their gooda upon arrival et their port of destination
bcyond the Group.
40. In cxoeptional cases and under conditions which shall be
determined by the Customs Oflîner of the Imams! Port permission
may be given t0 emka gonds at any place not within tho limits nf a
P011 of Enn'y.