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Joint Regulations [12 of 1914
41. A11 gnods subject to the provisions of tlu's Regulation,
which have entered any Port cf the Group for transhipment tu nny
other Port cf the Group shall be declared in the mariner hereinbefore
provided. The shipper will sto enter into a bond (o transmit to the
Customs Oflioe of the first port within such period as may be pre-
scribed by the Resident Commissioners the duplicaœ of the Import
Declaration bearing an endorsement by the Oflîcer of Customs of Lbe
pm’t of destination chat (ne goods mentioned therein have been duly
examined and passed. Any persan failing to furnish such declaration
as aforesaid shall he liable w puy a sum equal to Llre value of the
gonds so transhipped mgether with a fine of 520 and the amount cf
the surety given shall also be forfeited. Gnods thus declared shall be
examined and any discrepancies observed 5115.11 be noted on the
42. The saine declaration and formalities with the same penal-
ties for non-observance thme shall be l‘ulfilled in every case of trans-
shipmt or cf re-expon, whether these operations take plage in the
same or difl'erent ports.
43. Goods impmîed intu the Group may be declared and
plaoed in a Govemment bonded wareholrse or in a privare bonded
store under the conditions hereunder sel fonh. Gonds mny be
Lransferred from one bonded warehouse tu mother upon production
of further expert and import declarafious. The liabilities of persans
using any bonded warehouses shall only be discharged (1) in the
case cf goods for home consumpüon mer payment of duties; (2) in
the case of gonds for expert rafler the passing of an expert dedamtion
upon which the proper oifioer m" Customs shall have noted that such
goods have been plnoed on bond a vessel and exported. A11 persans
making declmtions shall be held w be the owners oi' the goods in
respect of which they mnke declarations.
44. Goods in respect of whieh a declaration for admission to a
Gaver-riment Bonded Warehouse bas been made shall, aher verifica-
tion by the proper ofioer, be taken over and entered in the register
by the Oifioer in Charge cf the Bonded Warehouse. No action for
damages shnll lie either against this Oflicer or against the Condo-
minium Government for any loss or damage which may occur m
such goods in nny manner whatever.
45. Dangereux or damngpd gcods, or gonds objectinnable by
mason of any oiïensive amen, shnll not be admitted inlo the Bonded
Warehouse. Except for the removal cf samples or for Lhe purpuse of