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Ja'mt Regulatùms [12 of 1914
preserving the safer or gond condition uf otber gonds, sll unpacking
of goods in tbe Bonded Warebouse is forbiddens
46. Gonds may remain in a Bonded Wnrebouse for a period of
lwo years. Afler sucb period, if the goods have not been removed.
notice w do so sball be given to the owner. If, mer delivery 01' snch
notice, tbe owner shall still fail t0 remove sucb goods, Lbey sball be
sold by public auction and Lhe prooeeds of snob sale, afœr all dues
and expenses bave been paid, sball, unless claimed within a period ol‘
une year from the date of sale, be paid inLo me Condominium Treasury
to tbe credil of Condominium revenue. The saine proœdure sball be
followed in any case in wbicb goods s0 deposiîed sball become
dangerous or sball be discovered to be in a perisbnble condition
during such period.
47. Any owner of goods, whicb have been plaoed in a Govern-
ment Bonded Warehouse, may nfœr Lbe payment of duty on xuch
goods, dcmnnd from the Oflicer in charge of such Government
Bonded Warebouse a oenificate wbicb sbnll be called a “Bond
Certifiez ” in wbich sball be given full information concerning tbe
goods oî sucb owner tben in bond. Snch oenificate sball be entered
in a special register aridithe gonds in respect oî whicb tbe certificat:
bas been issued sbnll no! be removed from the Bond except on
presentation cf tbe œrtificaœ. Sucb oenificste mny be formnlly
transferred from one persan t0 annuler.
48. Any mercme who sball bave mode a formal request for
tbnl plu-pose to tbe Resident Commissioners may be autborlsed t0
place in their stores gonds upon which dues are still payable. Sucb
mercbams sbnll enter inca bond by which tbey shall undenake tbat
the quantin and quality of the gonds received in snob stores shall be
tbe saine eaeb Lime tbat an examinalion of such gonds may be made,
and tbat (bey will eitber re-export sucb goods or pay snob duty as
may be leviable Lbereon within a period of two years and any persan
removing sucb goods from one store w anotber wilboul permission
shall be liable to psy a snm equal to double tbe duty leviable on snob
gonds. Lioences in a form t0 be determined l7y the Resident Comm'm-
sioners may be issucd w sueb Priwne Bonded Storekeepers in respect
of snob Bonded Stores.
49. After Lbe Imporl Declnration bas becn mde tbe goods in
respect oî wbicb snob declaran'on bas be made sball be plaœd in
the Cusloms Ofiee, or sny otber snitsble place sgreed upon between
111e Customs Oflioers and the mercbams for the purpose of assess-
nient cf Lbe dues payable if tbe Oflicer of Custonis sball consider
snob a course necesssry.
50. Examination cf aucb gonds cal) only Cake place in Lbe
prcsenoe cf tbe persan making tbe declamtion or of bis dnly author-