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Jnim Regulations [12 of 1914
65. Where Lbe Residem Commissioners have resson t0 believe
that a persan against whom prooeedings have been or are intended
to be insütuted, will attempt [o leave the New Hebrides in order to
escape snob prooeedings, they mny issue t0 a District Agent or t0 a
Commandant of Police a warrant for the arrose of suc]: persan.
Any persan so memd shall be charged and brought before a
Court within seven days afler his arrest, and shall not be domined
funher exœpt on an order of a Court, which th'e competent Court
is hereby empowered w make.
66. [—1
Issus OF SEARCH Wuuum
67, The Resident Commissioners may issue seamh warrants
whenever they may oonsider it neoessary for the investigation or
suspected breaches cf this RegnlationJ
68- [—1
69. If the gonds which have been seized aie pen'shable and the
aocused has not taken delivery 01' them, either becanse of hi: un-
wfllingness or cf his inability Lbrough lu's omission to provide the
secnrity reqllù'ed by law t0 exercise the option of release, the
Administration shall proceed to efi‘ect the sale of the said goods.
The saine pmoedure shall he observed in œspect of animals seized
for any cause whatever. ‘
70. The issue of the joint order authorising tbe sale shall be
notified the saule day to the persan whose propeny han been seized,
if hi: domicile is known. and in defanlt of known domicile the aider
shall be notified tu the Residency of the Office! responsible for the
prosecutions with the intimation tbat the sale will be immediately
prooeeded with, either in the absence m- in the presenœ of the owner
of the gonds seized.
71. The sale shall be manie by public miction m the instance of
du proper Ofiicer oî Customs. Notification of Lhe day of sale shall be
posœd twenty—four hours beforehnnd unless the Resident Commis-
sioners ordex a sale withollt any previous formalities.
72. The proceeds of the [sale shall be deposited wifli the
Collecta: cf Ontoms w be disposed or in aœordanœ with the final
decision of the Colin empowered Lo deal with the said seizure.
73. When the jndglnent ordering the confiscation of gonds is
finally made the proseclm'ng ofiœr shnll notify the sale of such goods
by a notification afixed to the ofiîoe duor.