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Joint Regulafivm [12 a! 1.914
(3) Agajnst nny perron who afœr a breach of this Regulation,
shall refuse to carry out a contract which bas been signed
and ha: been finnlly approved by the oompctent nuthority.
82. The order cf enforœrnent cf payment should mite at the
beginning the copy nfthe instrument establishing the debt in question,
it shall be signet! bry the Resident Commissinners afler notification
and shall b: executed notwithstanding any cavest aocording to the
due course cf law.
83. An order of impñsonmt may be issuod under the came
conditions against any person who refuses tu pny the fines imposed.
84. The Cllstoms Agents may serve for al] mimer: relative m
their duties ail notices and other prooesses usually efi'ecled by
They msy however mnke use of such bailifl‘ as they mny
drink proper,
85. The Condominium Government shall have a lien on au
mavables ni the principals debmrs or guarantors, for the recovery
of dues, oonfiscations, fines, restitutions and generally for any debt
aocruing under this Regulntion, or from the repression of fraud‘
86. No claim to or against gonds or the value of gonds that
have been seized or canfiscalnd in connection with frauds as provided
in this Regulation shall be admitted from or on behalf of the ow-ncrs
cr croditors of the owners of such gouda; provided alwsya that suoh
owner or creditor may prosecute nny such claim against the persan
or persans chargez! with the commission of suc]: fi'aud.
Immc wrn-r Aanms
87. It shall be unlawful w obstruct or to interfere in any way
with the Customs Oifioers in the exercise of their dun'es, or to abuse
or Lo ill trent, or to ofl‘er any violence w their persons under penalty
of a fine of 520 independent cf any other action.
Powms 0P me Rnsmm Communs
88. (a) Subject to the approval within three months cf the
High Commissioners, the Resident Commissionera may by Joint
Proclamation under their bauds and seala—
(1) Fix the rote cf duty payable upon imports into or expons
from the New Hebrides. Ordo: payment t0 be mode in
respect of wharfage dues accommodation of goods in
bonded stores and bond rent. Alter or repeal any portion