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Jaint Rzgulatioru [12 0€ 1914 83
cf the Tarüî and fix th: date upon which (ne levying cf
Customs dues in thc New Hebridcs shall begin or terminaœ.
(2) Prohibit me importation of nny article, tbe introduction of
which into the New szrides mny be contrary t0 the public
interest and declal'e what anicles xhnll be exempt from
Customs duty.
(b) lt shall be Lawful for thc Rcsident Commissionm by
Proclamation under their hands and seals and withoul rein-ring thc
matter w 111c High Commissionm for their approval or disallow-
(1) To declarc Ports cf Entry and to flx the limits cf such
Ports of Entry.
(2) To fix places wherc goods must be landed in any Port and
to define du anchorages for vessels thercin.
(3) To proclaim Lhc sites upon whinh Customs sbods and
bondad store: shall be erecœd.
(4) To pass Rogulations for the rnnnagemt of thc loading,
or unloading of goods a: pllces not declared Ports of
Entry wlwn the neœssity for such Regulations shall becomc
(5) To makc any order whioh t0 Hum may appear neœssary
for the carrying into eñ'ect of flic provisions of this Regula-
89. Upon application made by 1h: Customs auLhoritics to me Assistance
civil or military powers it 811811 be the duty of flmse powers w assist 3m
ch: Customs authorifies in every way and tu use nll necessary force '
so t0 assist them.
90. Any persan who shaJl— on“,
(a) Wilfully mak: any false entry in any form, declarmion,
curry, bond, mura, receipt or in any document whatever
required by or produced to nny Clin/0ms Oñoer undcr this
Regulation; or
(h) Counterfcit, falsify or wilfully use when œunterfehed or
falsified any document requircd hy or produœd to any
Cuswms Oflîoer; or
(c) Falscly produoe to any Customs Ofiîær under any of Lhe
provisions cf Lhis Regulation in mpect oî nny goods or in
respect of any vassal any document of any kind or descrip-
tion whatever dia! docs not tmly refer m suc]: gonds or la
such vessel; or
(d) Make a fais: declmtion to any Cusîoms Ofiiocr under any
of the provisions cf thix Regulation, whether chat declara-
tian be un oral on: or a declaration subscribed by l persan
making it or a declaration on math or otberwise; or