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Joint &gulatiam [12 0€ 1914
(e) Untruthfnlly answer any reasonahle questions put to liim
by any Customs Olficer under any cf the provisions of this
Regulntion; or
(f) Alter or tamper with any document or instrument after the
same bas been officially issued, or countmfeit the ses],
signature or initials of or used by any Customs Office: for
the identification of thnt document or instrument or for the
secorîty of any goods or for any allier purpose under this
Regnlation shall be pnnished with a fine of €20 in addition
to any penalty infiicled by common law.
[90. A. Any person who fraudulently introduoes goods into
the New Hebrides in breach ofthe provisions of this Regulation shsll
be fiable, on conviction, to the penalties set ont in Article 92 hereof.
and also to flic confiscation of the gonds so introduoci]
91. Every oflioer appoinœd by the Resident Commissioners
for du purpose oî carrying out the provisions of this Regulation
shall take un oath before un Resident Commissioners faithfully to
œrry out hia dutics nnder tllis Regulntion. Any persan who makœ a
false declaration or oath shall be liable to a fine of €20 besides the
penalty for the ofi‘enoe provided by oommon law.
‘92. Any ofi'enoe ayinst the provisions of this Regulation for
which no specific penalty is provided shall rendu any person guilty
of the same liable to a fine offrons fil to €20 in addition to imprison—
ment cf frorn five dnys L0 (me month. In case of I1 second ofi'ence the
punishment of imprisonment shnll nlways be
93. Nothing in this Regulation provided shall be held t0
invalidate any action taken under the Joint Regulation of 28th
Deoember, 1912, for the recovery ol' import dutiœ or for uny other
pin-pose connected with snob Reylation.
94. This Regulation shall came inw force on the date of
publication and may be cited l‘or all purposæ as the New Hebrides
(Import Duties) Regulntion (No. 12) 1914.
Pnblished and exhibited in the public oflioes of the Resident
Commissioan for His Britannic Majesty and for the French
Republic Lhis fourth day of December in the year one thousnnd nine
hundred and fourteen.