[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulan'm [6 of 1915
T0 prohibit file impomflnn, filme-lion Ind sale 0l Absinthe in du
New Heh'ides.
[Publiyhek Western Pacific High Commisrlon Gazzttz.]
1. From thc first day of Ianuary, 1916, the manufacture,
importation, cimulation and sale wholcsale or by retail of absinthe
or silnilar liquors in the New Hebrides shnll b: prohibiœd.
2. Any contravention of the provisions of this Regulation shall
be justiciable by the Joint Court and any persan found guüty of suc]:
contravention shall b; liable (o puy a money penalty of fion. une to
twenty pounds and to sufi'ct imprisonment for a tenu of from on: to
thirty days or t0 une or other cf these panama.
3. This Regulation :hall b: known as the New Hebrides
(Absinthe Prohibition) Reglllation (No. 6) cf 1915.
Published and exhibiwd in the Public Offices of thc Residcnt
Commissionm for Great Britxjn and the French Republic a! Vila
in 111e New Hebrides this twelflh day of July in Lhc ycar nue thousand
ninc hundmd and fifleen.
Rcsident Commissioner for His Britannic Majesty's
the French Republic. Resident Commissionen.