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Joint Regulm'om [2 d 1919
[Published‘ Western Pacific ngh Commission Gazette Na. 24 nf1919.]
1. Whereas by Articles XXXV, L, LIIL or the New Hebrides
Convention of 20th Octoher, 1906, it is providod that lhe comtes of
native lubonrers dying on board recruiting vessels or during the
period oi' their employment shall together with an inventory thereof
be trmxmined by the mnsœr of the vessel or file employer of such
labour w the comparent uuthority.
2. Whereas it is expedicnt that similnr provision shonld be
made in respect of thn :smæs ofother nutives u hereinnfter descrihed
and for the dispoeal of snob entame and of those cf thn natives
referred tu in section l hereof.
3. The mm ofuiy native who mny die in service other thnn
as un indentured labourer or when under deœntion as a prisoner or
othcrwise when absent from bis tribe or plane oi' origin shnll tomber
with an inventory thereof be defivered by the employer or the oifioer
in charge of the prison or by the owner or oocupier of the premiees
on whioh file native nforesnid mny have diod t0 the aulhorities of
the power on whom such employer olficer or persan depends and by
suoh authm'ities any monoys reoeived on account of such estnœ ahnll
be pain in œ the Condominium Treosury to be held hy the Resirlent
Commissioners and disposed of in the manner hereinofier described.
4. Afier the expiration of a period of five years from the dnæ
oi' the death of uny native as nforesaid the estate ol' suc]: native or
so much theteof as may romain in the hnnds of the Resident Con»
missioners nfær liquidation shall if thon unclaimed or if the perron
or persans enütled thereto canna: be trimed be transferred of and
vesœd in the Condominium Govemment of the New Hebrides.
5. Afin the expiration oi' the petiod cf five years aforesaid no
claim to on estate held under the provisions of this Regulation or to
any part thereof shall be enœrîained by the Resident Commissioners
or by auy Court oîLaw and the same shall be dœmed m havebeen
transferred to and t0 have been vested in flic Condominium Gom-
ment or the New Hebrîdes for une use and benefit cf such Govern-
ment absolutely.
6. The liquidation of nll estnles falling in under this Regulntion
shnll be undeflakm by the national euthority of the persans from
whom such estates have been noeived.