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Jairit Rzgulnn'am' [l o! 1921
To prolilblt flue importation of immature whlskey lnto flic Ne"
[Publisbed‘ Western Pacific HighCnmmx‘mbn Gazette, No. 3S of1921,]
l. Fromthe lst day of January, 1922, no whiskey or spirits
purpcrting to be whiskcy shnll be imporœd into Lhc Nsw Hebridcs
for humnn oonsumption unless thc Collector or Customs is satisfied
tint snch whiskcy bas been mnturcd by storage in wood for a period
of not less (han three years.
1. As prooi‘ of agc thc Collector oi‘ Cuswms shnll require from
the importers of thc whiskey aforesaid a certificats from a Govern—
ment Excise or Custmns 0mm of thc country ol‘ cxport [o thc cfi'ect
flint the whiskey lus bcen mntured in wood for a pedod ol' not less
thnn thrcc ycnrs and the importation of any whiskey unaocmnpanicd
by a certificats, harcinal'ter called immature whiskey, shall bc
considercd an infraction of this Reguiation and shall be dealt with
3. Any immature whiskcy imporlnd into the Ncw Hebridcs
in contravention cf the provisions of this Regulntion slmll b: re-
sxported st the ilnporter’s expense by thc first opportunity and if
not se re-exportcd shall bc seized by thc Collecter offiCuiloms and
disposed of as niay bc diroctod by the Joint Court in aooordnnœzwith
thc provisions of section 4 hcrcof.
4. Any persan importing, sclling, or supplying any immature
whiskey as specified herein shall bc lisible on conviction before thc
Joint Court to pay a moncy penalty of from œnpencc to twcnty
pounds and tu sufi‘er imprimnmcnt for a period of from on: to thirty
days or to one or other of these penalties, and auy immature whiskcy
found in the possession cf such persan mny on Lhc vider of the Joint
Court bc seized and destroyod or after being rendcrcd unfit for
hnnnm consumpn'on sold and thc prooeeds ol' such sale puid t0 tbc
Condominium Trcasury to the profit of the Condominium Govern—
5. The penalties prescribcd by section 4 hereof shall be in
addilion tu any others which mny bc propcrly infiicwd under thc
provisions cf 111e New Hebridcs (Import Duty) Regnlation (No. 12)
1914, or any other Joint chulation.
6. This Regulation shall bc cired for a1] purposes as r11: New
Hebrides (Immature Whiskcy) chuiation No. 1 of192l.
Published and cxhibiœd in the Public Oficcs of the Rcsident