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Joint Regulalion: [2 of 1912
To reguhte tbe importation o! llcohol and aloonolic llqunrs into une
New Hebrides.
[Published: Western Panfic High Commission Gazette Non 30 0/1921]
1. me Lhe date cf this Regulation (1) no pure alooholic'
or crude spirit from which can be extracted or distilled alooholic
quuor thnt can be used in the preparan'on of intoxicating liquids and
(2) no spirituous or alooholic quuids of any kind not comprised
within the catcgory (l) first referred to shall be impozled into the
New Hebrides excepl with the permission in writing previously given
of the Resident Commissioners. Provided thnt permission for the
importation of (1) pure alcohol shall be given by the Residenl
Commissioners oonioinlly and thnt no snch permission shall be given
uniess it is proved thnt the spirit is required for industriel objeots or
for pharmaœuticrd purposes or for use by medical practitioners or
hmpitals and that permission for the importation of (2) spirituous
liquors ot‘ other kinds shall be given by the Resident Commissioner
ot' the nation to which the applicant may belong or for which ho
may have opted under Article l (2) of me Angle-chh Convention
oî 20th October, 1906. ‘
(2) Permission for the sale cf pure alcolml shall be given by
the Resident Commissionels conjo' tly under tbe sans conditions
as those prescribed nbove for permission for importation.
(3) Permits for the importation and sale as aforesnid shall be
in Lb: form oî Schedules l and 1 herem and Lhose for importation
shall be delivered to the Collector of (histoms by lhe importer
tugether with the invoiees and other'documents reinting to snob
1. By the words “pure aloolml” and “onde rpizit" shall be
meant alcohol of a strength of not less than 68° which 1ms not been
rendered unfit 'for human consumption and which can be used for
making or distilling spirituous liquids.
3. The carringe by sen or land within the Iimits of the New
Hebrides of pure alcoliol or crude spirit or of liquids of which lhis
spirit forma the base is prohibited and for nny breœh oi‘ this Regain-
n'on in this respect employers shnll be held responsible for the acta
of their employees. In the case of snob infraction by the muter or
any member of Lhe crew cf a vessel in the New Hebrides such vessel
shnll be held responsible and in thc absence of security in Lhe sum
of one hundred pounds deposited witb the Condominium Tmsnrer
by or on bohalf of such master or mber of the crew such vewel
shall be demined until the case shall have been heard and decided
by the competent authority.
No. 1 cf
cf Ilnohul
and niooholic
‘ls. for
puœ 9mm.
Permit: for