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loin! Ragularions [3 nf 1923
Tn pmvide fouine dispoul ofdereliet veesele fonlul wlzhln the mm ol'
ther l-[abrldm
[Published: Western Pacific High CammLuion Gaza": No. 6 af 1923.]
1. From the date of this Ragulatinn any native or non—native
person who shall find an abandoned vassal or wzeck of any descrip-
tion ut ses or on the saaahore shall give notice of sucli finding to
on: or other of the Rasidant Commissioners or to the nearest
(Condominium) Govemmant Agent who shall immediataly inform
the Rasidant Cumnn'ssionar undar whom ha serves.
Each Resident Commissionar shnll notify tha other of informa—
tion of tln's nature which he may reoaiva and shall maka tha necassary
arrangements for its publication ancordingly.
z. Whan a claim to the ownarsbip or such salvad vassal slull
be made within a period of thrae months of tha dan: of the first
publication of notice ns aforessjd, such vassal shall b: dalivered w
the claimant on production of proof of ownarship, and on payment
to the salvcr nf:
One-third of the value af tha vassal if it bas heen found at a
distance cf more than one mile from Lhe shora; or
Ofnquartar ofmhvaluaifthewssalhasbeenfound onthe
seeshom or at lass than ona mile fmm tha show.
Tha valua of (ha vassal slmll ha estimnted by two persans ona w
be appointed by euh Rasidant Commissionar, and shonld tha owner
ol‘ the vassal considar chat bis intarestx m afl‘ected by the value sa
estimated lie my demand thnt tha vassel shall ba sold by public
miction, and tha amount of salvaga to be paid to tha salvor shnll ha
calculated on the gross proceads of such sale.
Ifthe vassal is sold as aforesaid tha procaads cf tha sale slmll ba
paid ta the ownar on production ofproof of bis nwnership and after
deduction fmm such prooeeds cf:
(n) Salvage for the salve: fixed as provided in section 2 hetaof;
(b) Custmns duri, if any;
(c) Expansas of valuation;
(d) Cost of sale by auction, thnt is to say, tan par cent. of the
amount realised, being four par cent. cost of sale, and six
par cent. fee tif auctionear.
Arrangements for such sala by auction shnll be made by tha
Condominium Govemment Agent stationed neamst w whaxa the
wreck bas baen found.
3. If nfler the expiration ol‘ a pen'od of thxaa months fmm tha
data ol' first publication cf notice as uforasnid, no cluim ehull bave