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Joint Regula'tim [4 of 1923
and immunifies, and shall be liahle w all such duties and obligations,
as any Briüsh or Frmnh Police Offioer now haa or is subjecl to by the
legialation ofeither ofthe two contracting powets, and such Comman-
dants and oflicem and non-commissioned oflîaers shall uke an oath
for the due and proper performance cf snch duties in snob form and
before sud: authority as the laws and cuatmns of their respective
nations may determine.
13. The non-cummissioned ofiîocrs and men of lhe force shall
continue t0 be subject t0 the ordinary criminal law in force in the
Group in respect cf any ofi‘enœ allier (han a brth cf discipline
of which he may be guilcy during his service in snob force, and for
sunh cfl'ence he shall be justiciable by the ordinary Lribunals establi-
shed in file Group and hnving jurisdîction in respect of such cases
as denernu'ned by the provisions of the Protocol of the 6th Augusl,
1914, aforesaid.
14. bah Resident Commissioner shall have the power to
make suc]: mies for the discipline and governmem of the division
under hi: crders as he may deem necessary.
15. This Regulntion shall be known u Lhe New Hebrides
Constablllary Regnlation No. 4 cf 1923 and shall came into farce
from lhe date of Lhe promulgation of Lhe Protocol of 6d: August,
Publjshed and exhibiœd a! the Public Ofiiœs of the Residt
Commissioner for His Britannic Majesty and of the Franc]: Republic
a! Vila this twenty—sixth day of May, 1923.
Resident Cummissioner for His Britannic Majesty’s
the French Republic. Resident Commissiuner.