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Juin: Rzgulativru' [2 of 1928
To prmlde l'or tha hsfltnflan “Native Courts.
[Published: Condominium Gazette No. 15.]
WI-tauEAs by Joint chulntion No. 1 of 1928 certain areas were
defined in which the Code cf Native Law (Joint Regulation No. 6
dated tbe 6th Deoember, 1927) should be applied:
And whereas in aœordanoe with the provisions of Article 8,
paragraph 5, of the Angle-Franc]: Protocol of 1914 it ia neoeasary
in order to ensure the application of the raid Code of Native Law
t0 authoriae the institution of Native Courts within the limim of
such areas and to duel-mine the territorial jurisdiction cf each of
auch Courts.
l. T11: Residcnt Commissionera for His Britannic Majesty
and for the French Republic in the New Hebrides hereby order I.th
a Native Court shall be instituted within the limits cf il]: Southern
District at a pLaoe known u Lenakel on the islnnd of Tanna, and
the territorial jurisdiction cf such Court ahall include the wlmle of
the Southern District, as defined by Joint Decition dated the 7th
day of January, 1925.
2. Thnt within the limits of Central District No. l, ns defined
by Joint Decision daœd the 7th day of Deœmber, 1925, there shall
be instituted a Native Court at Vila with territorial jurisdicn'on
extending t0 Lhe whole of Centra] District No. 1 with the exception
of the islands or Epi and Lamen.
3. This Regulation shnll came into force—
(a) in the Southern Administrative District two months rafler
the date of tire arrival in Vila of the Condominium Govetn»
ment Gazette in which the present Regulntion shall be
In the Central Administrative District No. l, as defined in
Article 2 al)qu two days after the date ot‘ the arrival in
Vila of the Condominium Government Gautte in which the
preaent Regulation shall be published.
4. This Regulation shall be known as the “New Hebrides
Institution of Native C0 ” Regulution No. 2 of 1923.
Published and exhibiœd in the Public Ofiioes of the Resident
Commissioners for His Britannic Majesty and for Lb: French
Republic this ninth day cf lune, 1928.
Tbe Resident Commissioner His Britannic Majesty‘s Acting
for the French Republic. Resident Commissioner.