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Joint Regulntions [abîms
To contra] flic fluage and sale n! explosives.
[Publisliezt Condominium Gazelle Na. 20.]
1. In mis Regulationthe tenu explosive sbal] mean gunpowder,
blasting powder, dynamite, nitro-glycerine, gun cotton, fulminate
of mercury and every other substance not specificd, used with a view
l0 produce an efi‘ect by explosions.
Includes also detonators, fuse and every aœessory composed of
n detonnting or inflammable substance nsed to produce explosions
and includes crackers and rockets.
2. No explosive sbnll be imporled into the New Hebrids and
delivered to any persan except under lb: conditions authorise'd by
the provisions of’Joint Regulations of the 2nd Angust [and 27th
October 1917.]
3. The Masœr of any vessel caxrying explosives shall notin
the Collecta: al“ Custorns immediaœly on Iris arriva! at the Port ct‘
4. Every merchant notified of the arrival cf explosives œn-
signed to his addtess shall immediately ndvise 111e Collecter cf
Cusumis frein wlrom he will reœive instructions regnrding the date
and hollr of removal. An Oflîcer of tire Customs shall prooced on
board the vessel and sisal] satisfy himself that the ship's manifest
and tire quantity consignod i3 in ardu, and the t‘lisembarkation1
immcdjate transport without interruption in transit, and enlry into
tire magazine shall be carried on in bis presenoe at all hours.
Transport for the disembarkation and removal of explosive
shnll be supplied by Lhe consignee.
Any vessel or vcbicle employed in disembarking or transport of
explosives sball carry a red fins. The transport of any other merchan-
dise witb snch explosive is forbidden.
5. In the absence ol‘ a Govemlnent Magan'ne, private magazines
sball be permitted under thc following conditions:
The magazines shall be built of non inflammable materia], tbat
is t0 say, cernent, coral, brick, or atone.
They shall be partitioned so as to separate disünclly any
explosive, aocessory or inflammable substance whioh would con—
stitute a danger by proximity w one annuler.
The roof shall be made of sheet iron and tbe frame work sball
b: cf meml and a ventilator shall be provided to permit a free
circulation of air.
They shall be provided with metal doors, bronze or copper