[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Rzgulan'om [4 of 1918
No. 2 of 1914, 20th Juin, 1914, “Composition of Smitaxy
No. 3 of 1914, 21s! July, 1914, “Native Wimesses (National
Courts ”.
No. 3 of 1914, 10th August, 1914, “Clearanœ of Vesscls”.
No. 4 or 1914, 15m Augm, 1914, “Building on Senshme".
No. 5 of 1914, 2m August, 1914, "Harbour Lights".
No. 7 of 1914, 22nd September, 1914, "Town Conser-
No. 8 of 1914, 23th Scpœmber, 1914, “Harme Lights".
No. 10 of 1914, 19th Octoher, 1914, “Liquor (Natives)
No. 11 of 1914, 8th November, 1914, “Firearnls”.
No. 12 of 1914, 4th Deœmber, 1914, "Import Dllties".
No. 6 of 1915, 12th July, 1915, “Absinthe Prohibition”.
No. 1 oî 1916, 16th Mach, 1916, "Licensing Regnlation”.
No. 3 cf 1916, 30th October, 1916, “Wirelass Telegraph
(Ships) Reglllation".
No. 4 of 1916, 51h Scptember, 1916, “Liqum' (Natives)
No. 1 cf 1917, 2nd August, 1916, “biplosives”.
No. 2 of 1917, 9th August, 1917, "Surah Wammts”.
Na, 4 of 1917, 27th October, 1917, “Importation of
No. 1 of 1918, 4th Octobcr, 1918, "Uncmplaycd Natives”.
No. l ot‘ 1919, 8th Februnry, 1919, “Quaranfine Amend-
mcn ”.
No. 1 of 1919, 8th February, 1919, “Quarantine Amend-
No. 3 of 1919, 8th April, 1919, “Quarantine Enfomement”.
No. 4 of 1919, 261.11 Novunber, 1919, “Quannün: of
No. 1 af 19m, 141.11 Jnnuary, 1921], “Gamin; (Nativea)”.
No. 3 of 1920, Srd Febrnary, 1920, “Expert of Coin".
No. 4 of 1920, lin May, 1920, "Quarantine Expcnus".
No. 6 of 23rd July, 1920, “Impart Duty Valurion”.
N0. 1 of 1921, “Immature Whisky".
No. 1 of 1922, 261.11 January, 1922, “Exportation cf Silver”.
No. 2 of 1922, 24111 July, 1922, “Aloohol Importation".
No. 1 of 1923, 2nd Match, 1923, “Dangprons Drugs”,
No. 3 cf 1923, 7th April, 1923, “Demlicta”.
No. 4 of 1923, 26th May, 1923, “Constabulary”.