Wx-muyus it J's expedient to amend the present coast charges of 113e
Vila Rndiotelegmph Station in mpect of messages transmitled
fmm or received by that Station, t1]: High Cammissivners cf Hjs
Britannic Majesly and of France order as followa—
1. The 0mm charge for radiotelegnuns received by, or trans-
mitted from, the Radiotelegmph Station at Vila, shall be flxed at a
unifonn rate of thteepcnoe or on: franc fifiy centimes per ward
irrespective of provenance.
[2. The minimum must charge for tadiotelegrams transmitœd
by the Vila Station shall nct be less than the charge for six words
that is to say on: Shilling and sixpenoe or nine francs, provided thnt
no minimum charge shall apply in the case of messages transmitted
by Vila Station m ships stations and vice versa the rate in such cases
being bued on the won! rate alone.]
lThe mpüon and despawh cf defen'ed telegrams is admitœd,
in clear only, solely for the oountries of Europe, Africa, Asia and
Amcrica dut accent lhem and on condition of absolutc reciprocityJ
3. Joint Decision dated su. May 1916 and Joint Regulafinn
dnlzd 21m May 1917 are hcreby repealed.
4. This Regulation shall be cited for all purposcs as me
“Wirels Com Charge Amendment Regnlation No. 6 cf 19 ”
and shall came into force thirty days afin lhe arriva] in Vila of the
Condominium Gazette in which it s11le have been published.
Published and exhibin a! the Public Oifises of His Britannic
Majesty's Resident Commissioner and the Resident Commissioner
for the French Republic a! Vila in the New Hein-ides this 4th day of
Deoember, 1928.
Fur tha Hisb Commissioner
for the French Repanic,
in the New Hein-ides.
For His Britannic Majesty’s
High Commissioner,
in the New Hebn'des.