[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Juin! Regulau'on: [(15 of1954) 5 of 1929
(c) 111: Tagnbe Rond, from the boundnry crf the new mwn limits
to 100 mettes fiom the nonhem boundary 01‘ Lhe cemetary;
(d) Th: Teouma Road, l‘mm the bolmdzuy of the ne'w wwn
limils as far as its junction With Lhe road known as “Sentier
de Monseigneur”;
(e) T712 E'akar Raçd, [mm the buundary cf the new town
limits lo itx œrminal point at Erakor Bey.
5. Following a recommandation of the Town Planning Com-
mission, mdc in the interests of hygiene or art, and in amordanœ
with Joint Regulation No. 6 of 1931, the Residem Commissicnexs
may requin owners t0 make, widlin a pericd of one year. certain
modifications or impmvemenls to buildings alrendy emctcd in nie
extra-urbain zones defined in Article 4 hereof.
6. The l’œsident cf the Town Planning Commission and the
British and Fœnch Commandants of Police shall be mpcmsible for
the enforoement of the priment Regnlntion.
7. This Regnlatinn mny be cited for al] pin-poses as the New
Hebridee Vila Town Limite (Amendment) Joint Regulntion No. 13
of 1954 and shall came intc efl‘ect from 1.11: date m" signature.
Dated at Vila this 17th day cf September, I954.
The Renident Commissioner Her Britannic Majesty‘s
for the Ftench Republic. Resident Commissionet.