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Joint Regulaflom [(11 oî 1961) 5 o! 1929
Ta exmdthebmudarisofflmtownofVlh.
Mode by the Rexident Cammm'inners under the pravisùms ofpam-
grnph 2 af Article 2 and Article 7 nfthz Anglo-French Promo! of 1914.
l. The boundary of the town of Vila as defined in Joint Regnla-
tion No. 5 of 1929 and No. 15 of 1954 is extended eastward to include
the following properties or portion of proportîes:
(1) me proporty regisîered as number 943 (of 81) and lhe
portions of properlies regislerod as number 81 and 870
(of 81) which lie (a) be'tween the presen‘ boundary and Lhe
nouth and east aides cf me rond joining Edmond Colardeau
Avenue t0 the Rond known as Sentier de Monseigneur;
or (b) between the preeent boundary and Lhe north and east
aides of the tond known as Sentier de Monseigneur;
portion C nf the Franoevflle propeny registered as nllmbcr
2. The propenies specified m Section 1 are shown in red
hawhing on Lhe plan attached t0 this Regulation and endorsed as
approved by the Resident Commissioners. A copy of Lhis plan slmll
be lodged a: lhe olfice cf the Registrar of Land Titles and shnll be
minimale for inspection by any intcrested party.
3. Beyond the ronds specified in Section 1 as forming the new
boundary, lhnt is to say (a) south and east oi' tue rond joining
Edmond Colnrdeau Avenue t0 the rond lmown as Sentier de
Monseigneur; and (b) north—east oi' Lhe rond known as Sentier de
Monseigneur, there shall be an extra-urbain zone, extending w a.
distance oi' sixty mettes frorn the new boundnry, wiLhin whioh, with
eiîeot fron: the date of this Regulation, no building shall take place
without the permission of due Resident Commissioners granted after
consultation wilh tue Town Planning Commission.
4. The provisions of enacnnenîs in force governing public
health in general and the control of building within du bonndaries
offlle town ofVila shall forthwith apply to lhe properties and portions
of propetties brought within the town by the extension to lown
boundarios defined in Section 1.
5. The British and Frenoh District Agents, the Commandants
of Police and the Sanitary Inspector for Vil: shall be responsible for
the enforcement of this Regulation.