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Joint Regulatiom‘ [(17 of1962) 5 «1m
Made by rhe Raideur Cammim'oner: under thepravirian: ofparagraph
2 of article 2 and article 7 nf rhe Anglo-ii'ench Protan of 1914.
l. le boundary ofthe mwn usiln us dcfined in Joint Regula—
tion No. 5 of 1929, as amended by Joint Regulafions No. 15 cf 1954
and No. ll of 1954, is cxtended Nonh-Eutwaxds t0 include that
portion ofpropcny no. 67S (formerly 51 and 113) nmd “Panel D
oî tille 678” and being lots No. 1 to 23 of a subdivision called
“Anabmu region du Stade" :smblished by its owner Madame Louise
2. T11: portion of property specified in section l is shown in
red hatching on the plan attached ta the original cf Lhis Regulation
and cndorscd as approved by En: Residznt Commissiomrs. A copy
01‘ this plan shall be lodged at me Oflîoe of flic Registnu' uf Land
Titles and shall be avflhble for inspection by any inmesœd pany.
3. ’I‘he provisions of ennctlnentu in force goveming public
health in geneml and the control ol' building within 111e boundarîns
of the town cf Vila 511311 fonhwith apply w the portion cf propeny
defined in section l.
4. The British and Frcnch Dis'Iict Agents, the Commandants
of Police and the Sanilary lnspector for Vila 511311 be mmlly
responsible for the enferment ai' this Regulution.
5. This Joint Regulation may be cith as me Vil: Town
Boundaries (Amendmcnt) Joint Regulaüon No. l7 or 1962.
Mande at Vila this thirteenth dey of Omber, 1962.
The Resident Commissions: Her Briiannic Majesty‘s
for Lhc Frmch chublic Resident Commissioner.