Ifiætilglnulinflle nid Group.
Joint Regulan'on No. 3 nf 1930 wm publishzd in Condominium Gazette
No. 34 and i: reprinnd a: amended by 1h: followblg Jainl Rzgula-
tian; (and includes J.R. 5 af1930 which refer: la it).
8 of1955 Condominium Gazette No. 188
39 of 1964 Condominium Gazette No. 225
16 of 1969 Condominium Gazette Nu. 283
5 11'197] (Eng. Text) Condominium Gazelle Na. 301
21 0/1973 Condamininm Gazette No. 326
J.R. 5 of 1930 Condominium Gazette Nu. 4l
Amended by 7 of1931 (Eus. TeX!) Condominium Gazette No. 43
Made by His Britannic Majesty’s High Commixsomr for t1]: New
Hebrides and the High Commissioner for the Frcnch Repllblic for
the New Hahrides in mrdnnoe with du provisions of Article XXVI,
01' the Anglo—French Convention of 1914.
1. There shall b: au ofiice a! Vila for the regisuation mablish—
ing rigth ovcr land in du New Hein-ides, which 51ml! be called thc
Ragistry cf Land Titles, and the High Commissionm 5h51] nppoint
any fit and proper persan tu be Registrar of Land ’l‘itles who shal]
under du direction and supervision of the Resident Commissioners
be authorised t0 execute the provisions cf this Regulation. Hz shall
receiv: such salary as Lhc High Commissionm my from timc t0
time determine.
2. T11: High Commissioners my appoint Deputy Registtars
and such other ofiœrs as may be mœssary for carrying out the
provision oi” this Regulau'on.
3. le Rzgistrar when appointed shall taka an oath before
ch: Court faithfully (c carry ou! bis duties under this Regulation.
4. The Registrar shall have a seal cf oflice with which 11e shall
seal au instruments registered by him.
5. The duties 01' the Registrer are defined in Article 26 para-
graph 3 cf thc Anglu-French Convention cf flw 6th August 1914.
6. T11: registration of an immovable shall be carried out on
forma as specified in and annexed m Lhis Regulaüon, nnmely,
Numbers la, 2 and 23.