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Juin! Rzgulatiom [J u me
Upon the forms numbers 1 and la shall be inscribed in exœnao
flw judgment of (h: Joint Court.
Upon the foi-ms numbers 2 and 25, Which shall oonstime the
Certificat: of Tifle, shall be inscribed in accordanoe with the pro—
vision of Article 26, Section 4, B. of the Angle-chh Protoool cf
1914, firsfly En: paniculars concerning thc immovahle, the owner
and the righu. Forms 2 and 25 shall incorporaœ the dalle bath ofthn
judgment and of thc issue of the Certificat: of Title. Themafter shnll
b: set ont thcrcin a summary of the dealings in tbe property, in the
seqllence of their entry in Form No. 2.
7. A11 Forms matin; to the sain: regismm'on shall beur du:
snme number. They shall be filed in th: ordu- of their completion in
a loose lcaf bindcr. The Fonns shall bear, inxtead of serial numbm,
the letters of the alphabet in sequence. On Fonn No. l 5h31! be
inscribed the date, and a mention of the insertion of avery additional
fox-m, toth with its nppropriate letter of the alphabet.
Every Form as brought into use shall be inscribed with its
nppropriate 13m1 and numbcr, together with th: signatlne and seal of
the Registrar.
Each registet shnll commence with a table of contents, oonsisting
of one or more sinus describing each transaction in not more flun
on: line, and shall also show all cancellations or Forms which may
The total contents of the Ioose leaf bindel's, us heœin befon
defined. shall cunstitute the Land Tifles Registet.
8. To evcry owner cf real property shall be delivered an
authentic duplicata cf t1]: corresponding title dood Forms 2 and 2a,
which shall be inscribed on a Form No. 3 of which a specimen i5
annexed hereto.
A oertified oopy of t1]: plan cf tlw immovable shall be nttnched
9. To every holdcr of n right otth than a right to xeal propeny
shall be delivemd a truc extract of bis right. This shall be inscribed
in a. Form No. 4 ofwhich a speoùnen i5 annexed hereto. On this Form
shall be inscribed—
(a) Th: date of the judgmmt of Lhe Joint Court Ilpon the
immovable and the date of the issue of th: said form No. 2;
(b) The designaticn of the said immuvable, its dcscription, its
situation and du extcnt of its bolmdaries.
(c) The designation of the owner or owners.
(d) A summuy af thc instrument conslilnting thc right, and
of subsequent instruments modifying mh right.
(e) Charges which have priority over the right constide by
111e extract.