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Joint Regulallmu [3 oi 1930
deed or instrument shall bear an indication thereon of the law under
which it wu made.
The Registrar shall endorse the Certificate of Title and the
True Exact of Title and al] the He xhnll place one of the
originale, which shnll be the only orne relevant as judicial proof, in
the approprinte file and deliver the others, and the true extract of
Tifle, m the persons entitled thereto. He shall remrn the Certificate
cf Title so endorsed to the owner of the property or his dnly con-
titnled agent.
[Should any persan, the holder of a Certifieate cf Title, refuse
or neglect w produoe the same to the Registtar when required for Lhe
purposes of this Article, the following proœdnre shall be adopted—
l. The holder of a mal right which he wishes t0 have endorsed
on the Land Title, shnll by registered latter request the
possessor of the Certificate or Title to proan this dccu-
ment t0 the Registrer with a copy of the aforesaid latter.
2. Afœrthe expiry aftheperiod ofeisht days, ifthe Cettifioate
cf Title bas not been produoed t0 the Registnr, the Regi-
strar 51ml], by regislered latter, serve un the possessor of
the Certificate cf Title, a notice to produce this dncument
within eight days, nnder pain of cancellation and replace-
ment nt hi: expse.
3. If the posaessor cf the Certificate of Title, does not comply
with the tenus of this notice the Registrat shall then
(a) to cancel the Certificate ofTitle, and such cancellnfion
shall be noted on the Land Title and broughl t0 the
notice of the public by menus of publication in the
munl planes;
to prepare a new Certificate or Title on whieh the real
right in quætîon shall have been noted, and Lhis
Certificate of Title shxll not be deliveted w the persan
entifled theteto nntil he shall have paid the prescribed
17. On the production cf any encnmbnume hnving thereon an
endorsement signer! by the encumbrannee in conformity with the
requirements cf the law nnder which the saine was made and evideno-
ing the dischnrge of the whole or part of the said enwmbrance, the
Registm- shall make an entry ther in the register, on the Certificate
of Title and on Lhc Trne Extract of Tide, noting thnt such encum-
brame ix wholly or partially discharged as the case may require.
18. If an instrument be executed in any part cf the wcrld where
by law the original and the certificat: cf proof thereof, certified
correct by a public oifiœr in whose cnstody the original is kept shall
be registered by the Registrer in the salue manner as the original
instrument, provided the original shnll have been proved as is
hereinbefore provided.
LE No. S
nî 1955.
for mml
Copie cf