[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulatinn: [3 of 1930
15. The Registmr shall allow searches to be made at all
renonable times t0 be fixed by him, in auy regisœr bock in his
cuswdy, and under bis surveillance, and upon request and payment
cf flic prescn'bed fees 51ml] give copies or extrucls cf or from any
entry in any such register bock, and shall cerny 9.11 sucli copies or
26. Any persan who shall make for the purpose of hein;
insemd in the register, any false slatement relevant tu any matte:
thereîn required w be known’and registered, and any persan who shall
wilfully destroy, injure, counœrfeit, or in any other manner falsify
nny register bock, reg'stered endorsement or certified copy thereof
or extract therefrom, or any persan who shall be a party t0 any sueh
aforeaaid ofi'ence shall be proseeuted before the Competent Court,
and, in lhe case of natives who may be justiciable by the Joint Court,
shall on conviction be fiable to a penalty of not exœeding L. 10, or
1,240 francs, and one month imprisomnent.
27. The Registrax shall demand and reoeive the fecs prescribed
in Lbe Schedule annexed, in respect of nny net mentioned thercin for
which auch fees are spedfied.
28. All sneh moneys as shall be recer'ved by Lhe Registrar in
accordanoe wiLh 1h: provisions of this Regulatian, shall be paid by
him into the Condominium Tzeasnry and shall form part of the Joint
Z9. The Regislrar shall not be held responsible for any loss
or damage oeeasioned by an act clone in his oflidnl capaeily in good
30. The Resident Commissiuncrs, amjng jointly, may frein
lime to tim: make, aller and revoke rules—
(a) For the regulation and guidanoe cf the Reg'strar and cf aIl
persans a'cn'ng under him.
(b) Adding to or altering any of the forma which are annexed
(c) Adding ta or alterlng the fees specified in the Schedule
[(d) t0 exempt by Joint Decision uny persan or corporate body
frorn Lhe payment cf all cr part of the fees due to Lhe
Reg'strntion of Lands Depamneut.]
31. This Regulation shall come into operation from the date
of ils publication in un Gazette and may be lmown for all purposes
as the “New Hebrides Land Registraüon Regulation No. 3 of 1930”.
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LR. No. 39