[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regûlarians [3 ol‘ 193|)
- in Fiji, or in flic Sololnan Islands. or mule d'un nighlee‘n manlhs Mur
Subjec: t0 hammam ofllerwis: between ch: contran 'es. the ppy—
menlnîmmadvnlommfœsshaflbeafi‘eaedbythep ,thclessee.
thcpemon mkingflæbflwfilnfmmmorofuyothnnümblefim
wirh Lb: :xœmwn cf a mongag: for which lhn en mu b9 paid by me
The Brilùh, Frde and Joint Administrations 3h31] be magma tram
payment vlany ad valorem {ces which onIId normalb' be paynb hy thzm.
The fee lo be chargea for «murets ofownn'nhip m life imam shallbp
banni ondmmnlpriœexprusadindæinztmmmtofconwymœnnlf
no prie: is stipulated, Ilpnn nm mm value lhmof ut (ha date of mamie:
a: dadnred co d'un mua: by me n'ansfere:
lhe Ims whm th: cxchnngarl immnvnble manie: have dl: saine value.
Whmthchœhawüfienmvalmiuhal] babasedupnnlhehigharvflu:
The {ne m be charged on les”! and Inlale fur n specific lulu shnll be
bused on the longes! tetm I0 which passesaion mny M. In lhe case of
thre n morts»; bas been muted uni the nmmmt of ch: ndvanœ i5 no!
Ipecified in du lmtrumnnk thn fae plylbl: shall be amassed Un Lbs mm
nana/and tu a: lb: dm: of registnfion as avide by a certificat: fion: flic
mungngee. Any xnm cr mm mbsequemly admced m me manglgor an
un lame seam'ty which inueasc me auwunt of une advnnœ beyond du
snminrespect ofwhinhkuhnvebecnpfldlhnllbededaœfltothekegimr
within m momh nom lhe date thmcof by a funhzr certificat: by me
partagea and In nfldifioml {ce shnll b8 pnid in respect of euh such
Th: fee t0 be charger! un pnrfldm shall be baled upon Il]: aggxegœ value
o! m lots. Il“ un partition involves u balnncing paymcnt, une mm: du“
be aubject lo a fee of4% u muibed in han ll nbove.
Whanmr nu Regislmr deum il umuy, h: my aide: a vnluüon to be
madc by an expert who shall be appninled by tbe Judge ohhe appmpflate
Dlfiul'lll coan or the Plesidml oflh: Joinñ Court, us the eue may be. The
mal shall b0 berne by the nany fiable fox 1h: fœ if du: nlunn'an k in-
borne by du Joint Adlninl'srxaünn.
Thefeesshallbecum udianwflcbüdunfnnclnkinzfllesumsmtmded
“p w lhenexl unit o on: hundmd frams, mur the conversion ofAusmIian
Thn {ces shnll be pu hle in advanœ, exœpt flm in inscmmmls mmining n
suspensive clause, ad valurem fees sbnll hep-id wilhin the duee manda
follwwing th: mm cf sud: dans: but a Ipedflc las, al the m: pre—
sa'ibed in item 8 lbuve, 511.11 b: chnxpd ut the fime ofngistmfian.