l. thn the Registrer of the Joint Court banda over, in
pursluuwc of Article 25 of the Anglo-meh Convention, 1914, a
oopy cf a Iudgment orduing registration of an immovablc w the
Rzgimr, ha will attach thcreln a smtement showing all Court fees
concerning the said immovable for which ho has not been able to
cbœin paymcnt from the party intercstod in Lb: Judgmcnt.
2. In case of protest, by the debwrs, over the nid smœment of
fees made aut by 111c Regîsîru cf the Joint Court, me latter, at the
request of all interesœd pantins, will have the said fees taxad by lhe
Ptcsidcnt of the Joint Court.
No. S of
[Afier tuxaüon En: said fees shall be cnforceablc in manne: 1.x. No.1
provided by Sections three and four of tlu's Regulaüon, witlwnt
furthcr proceedingsJ
3. The Registrar cf Land Titles will transm'ibe the Judgment
into th: chisœr and will esœblish the Titlc upon which hc will note
the non-paymcnt of the fees due to thc Joint Coun a: par above
slatement. Unh'l (11m feu are paid, the Registrar cf Land Titles
shall refuse t0 deliver tbe Authentic Exm of Title and m inscribe
on du: fille in qucsfion any dealings whatsoever.
4. The chistrar of hnd Titles will give thc debtors notice 01'
mai: obligations and inform them cf the consequences cf non-
paymcnt, which will incur the payment of inœmst at the legnl rate on
1h: sum payable with efi‘ect from du day of the handing ovet of th:
Iudgnwnt by the Registrer: cf the Joint Court.
This chulafion 5112111 be ciœd for nl] purpases as du “New
Hebddcs Enforœmcnt of Pnynwnt of Court fecs bcfore delivery cf
authentic Title" Regnlation No. 5 of 1930, and 3h31] coma into force
on the date of publication.
Published and exhibiœd in the Public Olfioes of thn Resîdent
Commissionm for His Britannic Majesty and for the French
Republic this 6th day cf Novembcr, 1930.
The Resident Commissioncr Hi: Britannic Majesty's Acting
for the French Republic. Resident Commiuianer.