[Note: this transcription was produced by an automatic OCR engine]
Joint Regulan'm [4 of 1931
To penalise cean fnminlem [indices in regard t0 un Postal Service.
[Publisheti' Cundmninium Gazette Na. 43.]
l. 'l'he Connærfeiting and fraudulent nse of international
reply coupons; the fraudulent use. for the mayment of correspon—
denoe, cf counterfeit or used postage stamps as well as of counœrfeit
impressions cf stamping or printing machines or of impressions
alrewdy used is prohibited.
2. ’I'he fraudulent manufacture, sale, handling, or distribution
uf impressed and adhesive stamps in use in the postal service, farged
or imitated in such a manner that they oould be misîaken for me
impressed and adhesive stamps issued by the Administrau'on cf any
contracting country in Lhe Postal Convention is prohibiœd.
3. The fraudulent manufacture, circulation and Ilse of postal
identity carde is prohr'biœd.
4. The insertion cf Opium, Morphine, Cocaïne, or other
narcotics in postal packets without authonsation is prohibitod.
5. Contraventian of Lhis Regulation shall be punished by
imprisonment not exceeding une Inme and a fine no! exceeding
€20, or 2,480 francs.
6. This Regnlation shall corne into force on the dny cf publica—
tion at the oflioes of His Brirannic Mnjesty’s Resident Commissioner
and Residmt Commissioner for flic French Republic, and shnll be
cited for all purposes as “Tire New Hebrides Postal Services Pre-
vention of Fraudulent Praclioes Regulation No. 4 nf 1931.
Published and exhibited in the Public Offices of the Resident
Commissioners for His Britannic Majesty and for the French
Repllbljc at Vil/a in the New Hebrides this thirteenth day of January,
The Resirlent Commissioner
for the French Republic.