Wmms by Joint Regulation No. 5 of 23rd Septembor, 1929, the
limiu of Lhe Town of Viln wem defined;
And whcms a Sanimry Commission was œnslituted onde: flac
provisions 01' Joint Regulaxion No. 6 01‘ 23:61 Septrmber, 1929;
And wherens under the provisions of Joint Regulaüon No. 7
of du 23rd Sepœmbar 1929, onnservmcy measures within the limiu
of the Town of Vila wnre prescribed;
And whereas it in expedient to mgulnte un cansîrucfion of
dwelling bouses and to make provisions for further wnsermcy
[No work of construction 51ml] b: undemken within du: mwn (hem
limits cf Vila or Santo without the joint nuflmrity oî the French 1.1L 5/56-
Rcsident Commission“ and Britiah Residenî Commissioner,
dnlivered afin considering the opinion of the Town Planning Com—
mittee. Dwelling honsos in particule: 51ml] conform with the follow—
in; conditions :]
l. (1) Provision for me disposal of waler from tank ovni» Dwdüna
fiows, rainwater, and household water hy means of arlequin: drains mu“
leading to an absorbent oesspool. Thc latter shall be at least fiv: feet
in dismetar and œn feet in depflL
(2) (a) In the case of dwelling bouses not built over œllars
flic foundafion of the mund floor 511311 be raised a! least twme
oentimetns above ground level cf dm rond, as Lhe cm mny b2.