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Joint Regulmiom [6 of 1931
site of the works showing in a legible mariner thc number and me
date of flic permit t0 build and faillite to oomply with lhis requin-
ment shall render thon: linble to the penalties providod in Section 16
of Lhis Regulation]
11. In so far as existing dwelling bouses arc concerned, a
period of two yens is accorded within wln'oh to affect the improve-
monts and modifications required under this Regulntion. If circum—
stances warrant, au extension mny be accorded by flic Resident
Commissioners acting jointly.
12. (l) Apart fron1 thc preœding dispositions, whcn a
building, oompleœd or not, which may or may not ho contiguous m
[ho public rond, bas been reported as dangerous or unhcalthy to du:
occupants or neighbours, thc Rcsident Commissioners shall request
(ho Sanitary Commission to inspoct snob building in presenœ of tire
owncrs and fumile a report thoreon as w—
(a) 'l'he nature of the repairs neoessary and the maman-.8 w
be taken in connoction therewith;
(b) Thc necessity for the prohibition of the whole or part as a
dwelling bouse until Lhe unhmlthy are mmcdied.
(2) This report shnll stipulatc thc lcngth of time Within whicli
suzh repairs shall be œrminated, or during which the building shall
cens: (o be inhabith in whole or part.
(3) The report shall be transmitœd (o the two Resident Com—
missioners who may order Lhe proprietor to execntc flic neocsaary
work within Lhe period fixed by the Sanitary Commission, or prohibit
the use cf the building as a dwelling bouse. If suoh work shall not be
exccuœd within du: period fixcd by Lhe Snnitary Commission, thc
Rcsidcnt Commissioncrs may order tire immediate demolition cf the
building without prejudioe to the penalties fixed by Seclion 11 of
this Regularion.
13. The cutting or felling of trocs within th: limits oïthe town
of Vîla without aulhorisation is forbidden.
14. The Rcsident Comm'usioners may appoint a Snnitary
Inspector, who 5h51] be chatged wiflr flic execution of Lhe provisions
of this Regulation. [Tth may also appoint any allier persan not n
member of du national or Joint Administration who may appear to
them sulficiently qualificd (o carry out thc duh'es of Sanitary
15. Brcaches of this Regnlation shall be reponed by thc
Sanimry Inspector, the Commandants of Police and their Assistams,
and any other Ofiioer authoriscd for this purpose.