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Joint Regularian: [2 cl 1937
Ta providefor the institution: on CourrofFirst Iuhneelnthe Normal:
Administrative district.
[Publùheù Candominiwn Gazette No. 95.]
Wmm by article 21, pamgmph (B) 4, of the Anglo-French prom-
ool of 1914, it i8 provided that Courts of Fim Instance shall be estalr
lished in the Administrative Districts provided for in article 2, para—
graph 3, oi' the said protocol.
And whereas by proclamation daud 7th January, 1925 the
Administrative Districts hereinbefore referred t0 were established;
Now therefore we, bis Britannic Majesty’s Ruident Commis-
sioner and the Rosident Commissioner for the French Republic
in the New Hebrides Do Hereby Make Lhe follovn'ng Joint Regilla-
l. A Court of Finit Instance is hereby established within the
limils of the Northern Administrative District.
2. The Court shall have its headquaners at the Condominium
W in lhe chund Charme], islnnd of Santo, and shall makc
circuits within the said District whenever neœssary.
3. The said Court 3h31] have juriadiction within and over the
whole of the Northem Administrative District as dcfined by rhe Joint
Proclamation dated 7th January 1925.
4. This Regulafion may be ciled as “The New Hebridu
Court of First Instance (Northern District) Regulation No. 2 of
I937" and ahall came into force on the day af the date heœof.
Dated at Vila this fifth day cf January, 1931.
The Reaidenr Commissioner His Britannic Majesty’s Acting
for une Fremh Republic. Rcsident Commission“.