WE, His Britannic Majesty’s Rcsident Commissionzr and the
Rcsident Commissionct for the French Republic in flic New Hebrides
Do HEREBY MAKE flic following Joint Regulation:
1. Joint Regulalion Nu. 5 of 1936 is hemby npcaled.
2. Every persan having du charge or connu] of an animal
whose deatb bas been causer] by œtanus shall forthwith thereafœr
completer incineraœ the carcan: thereof, and shall thcn disinfect
Lb: site of such incinerntion with a 5 par oentum solution cf chloride
af lime or cf cresyl.
3. Such incineration and destruction nmy be carried ont by the
Condominium at the mqllcst of the persan nonocmcd, who shall pay
the mst oi' thc mϟals and Labour involved.
4. Any persan commim'ng a breuch cf this chulation shall be
linble to n fin: of not lcss than une pound (124 francs) nor mon, flmn
twenty pounds sœrling (2,480 francs).
5. This Reguhntion shall coin: into force on the date han-coi"
and may be ciœd as the “New Hebrides Temnus Resulation No. 6
Df 1937".
Publishpd and exhibin in the public offices cf the Residcnt
Commissioner for bis Britannic Majesty and l‘or Lhe French Repanic
this thirty—first day cf July, 1937.
The Resident Commissioner His Britannic Majesty’s
for the Franc): Republic. Rcsidcnt Commissions]: