W5, His Britannic Majesty‘s Resîdent Commission“ and the
Resident Oommissioner for the French Repnblic in Lhe New Hebridœ
D0 HEREBY MAKE the following Joint Regulafinn:
1. Postage stamps issued by file New Hebrides Condominium
and having face values of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. 30, 40 and 50 gold centimes
and 1, 2, 5 and 10 gold francs respectiver mny alter the thirty-first
day cf May, 1938, be used for (ne pnynwnt of al] postal charges
ooncurrently with or in suhsn'tuüon for the postage smmps nt present
m use.
2. (a) The pn'oe in Frennh currency of suc): sœmps shall be
the amount obœined by mulflplying the face value therenf by a
coefficient which shnll fmm fime to n’me be determined by the
Resident Commissioners and declared by Joint Decision.
(b) The priœ in English sterling and Australjnn currencies
respectively cf suc]: stamps shall be the eqllivalent in sua]: currencies
at the ofiicial Condominium rate Uf exchange of the Franc]: prie:
3. Thîs Regulntion shall came into force on Lhe day of the daœ
hereof and mny be cited as “The New Hebrides Postage Stamp
Regulation No. 6 cf 1938”.
Daœd at Vila this nineteenth day of April, 1938.
The Resident Commissioner
for 111e French Republjc.
His Britannic Mnjesty’s
Resident Commissioner.