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Juin! Regulatiam [11 of 1938
To main provision for flie orgnniufiol oi‘ du! public lie-lui services
ut the Condominium oi' the New Hehlides.
[Published: Condmninium Gazette, Nu. 109.]
W5, Hia Brilannic Majesty‘s Residnm Commissioner and the
Raideur Commission“ for the French Republic D0 HEREBY
MAKE the following Joint Regularion:
1. (A) The Residenl Commissionets acting jointiy my
appoint persans cf British or French nationality who are ofiicially
recognised by the British and French Resident Commissioners as
qualified t0 practice medicine and surger le be—
(a) Chief Condominium Medical Ofiiœr;
(b) Condominium Medical Oifioers;
(c) Port Health Ofiicers.
(B) The appointment cf the Chief Condominium Medicai
Ofiicer shall be approved by the British and Frenoh High Commis—
sicnets and the persan appoinled shall be competmt w have Lhe
dire-mien of a public beath service.
2. The Rcsident Commissioners acting jointly nuy appoint
non-Europe“ graduates of Brifish or French Medical Collages w be
Native Medical Prnmitiouers who shall be subordinnic to and under
the direction cf Lhe Condominium Medical Oflioers.
3. The Resident Commissioners acting joinfly mny appoint
persans possessing a Brifish or French Medical or Veterinary
Diplnma t0 be Inspectors of meat intended for human ecnsumption.
4. The Residenl Commissioners acting jointly may appoint
persans t0 be Sanitaxy Inspectors.
5. The Residenl Commissioners shall fix by Joint Decision
Lhe headqnaners cf each Condominium Medical Ofiicer and the
district within which lie shnll carry ont hi; duu'es.
Tan Cm Commun Maman. 0mm
6. The Chief Condominium Medïcal Ofiieer shall be slationed
a! Viln and his duties shall include—