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Joint Regulmiany [10 of 1939 291
To mnke provision fur the normal o! radineommuniution in me Nen
Joint Regulution No. 10 af 1939 waspublished in Condominlwn Gazette
No. 115 and i: reprinted mamendcdby thefollom'ng Joint Regulatîonr:
9 of 1941 Condominium Gazette Na. 124
8 af 1943 Candaminium Gazette Na. 142
5 nf 1954 Condominium Gazette Nn. 183
15 nf 1962 Condominium anetre No. 216
W12, His Britannic Majesty's Resident Commissioner and the
Resident Commissioner for Lhe French Republic in tbe New Hebrides
D0 Hmssv MAKE the following Joint Regnlation.
n fi . .
1. In this Reguiation or Rules made thereunder uniess Lhe
context otherwise requires the following Definitions shall be held :0
“Radiocommunication” means Lhe electrical transmission 01‘ writing,
signs, signals, facsimiles and sounds of nll kinds by means of
Henzùu waves;
“Radiotelegram” menus a message from une persan to nnother sent
or reoeived by radiocvmmunication by a persan duly authnrised
in that behalf by the Resident Commissioners jointly;
“Transmission” where used in relation t0 messages includes du
receptiun as well as Lhe semiing cf 111e messagm
"Public Service” menus a. service for Lhe use cf the public in genetal;
“Public Correspondance” means every radiocommunication whieh
a station by virtue of iîs being availahle for public service must
aocept from Lhe public fgr transmission;
“Restricted Service“ means a service which may be used only by
specified persons or for parüclrlsr pin-poses;
“International Service” menus a service not confined m Lhe New
Hebrides Group or its territorial waters;
"Amateur" means a persan who desires bans fide tu conduct
scientific research in radiocommunication or a persan engaged
in the premier: cf radio wilh a personal aim and withoul pecuni-
ary interest;
“Broadcast” menus the radio-transmission of any message or signal
for general reception by listeners;
“Listener” means a persan who uses apparams t0 receive broadcasv
messages or signnls;